Monkey Toy Orange Bone Length: 16cm Thickness 3,5 cm at the thickest point
Monkey Toy Green Bone Length: 11 cm Thickness 3 cm at the thickest point
Feeding rack for in Type IV grill Techniplast
Monkey Toy Green Rugby Length: 12 cm Diameter opening: 2,5 cm
Techniplast Wire Lid Type IV, for 2 drinking bottles and feeding rack in centre. In original packaging
Techniplast raised Type IV grill with divider in original packaging
Complete cage including drinking bottle, wire lid, cage and filtertop
Mouse Igloos of cellulose 2 openings of 3 cm Igloo itself has a diameter of 10.5 cm
Complete cage including wire lid, cage and filtertop
Cellulose Rat House 9 cm height and 23 cm longest side, 2 openings with diameter approx. 5 cm
Only filtertop
Cage enrichment cellulose 15.4 cm by 25.5 cm
Square nesting material cellulose 5.5 x 5.5 cm 24 pieces per sheet 25 sheets per pack.
Cardboard Houses 13 cm length and 6 cm height
Tecniplast Red House 5.5 cm height 14 cm at longest side
height 7 cm, 15.5 cm at longest side
16,5 cm wide (ID) x 11,5 cm high x 20,3 cm long – Red Some used but as good as new and some are still new wit...
Suitable for rabbits < 5 kg
Rack on wheels with 5 Guinea Pig cages. Rack size: 62 x 75 x 194 cm Frame size with wheels: 69 x 75 cm Size of...
Tecniplast Blueline rack Type 1284 56 cages single sided
Tecniplast IsoCage rack with 36 cages
New Techniplast square bottle H-Temp in original packaging
Prefilters Scanlime Packages with 5 pieces
Techniplast Filtertop Type II replace filter before use
Techniplast 260 ml New square drinking bottles in original packaging. 2 boxes of 12 pieces
Suitable for rabbits > 5 kg
with flowmeter for 2 gasses with vaporizer recommended revision before use