Monkey Toy Ring Diameter 15,5 cm, 2 cm thick
Monkey Toy Orange Bone Length: 16cm Thickness 3,5 cm at the thickest point
Monkey Toy Green Bone Length: 11 cm Thickness 3 cm at the thickest point
Feeding rack for in Type IV grill Techniplast
Monkey Toy Green Rugby Length: 12 cm Diameter opening: 2,5 cm
Techniplast Wire Lid Type IV, for 2 drinking bottles and feeding rack in centre. In original packaging
Techniplast raised Type IV grill with divider in original packaging
Cardboard Mouse Houses 11 by 11 cm height 6 cm 3 openings
Complete cage including drinking bottle, wire lid, cage and filtertop
Mouse Igloos of cellulose 2 openings of 3 cm Igloo itself has a diameter of 10.5 cm
Complete cage including wire lid, cage and filtertop
Cellulose Rat House 9 cm height and 23 cm longest side, 2 openings with diameter approx. 5 cm
Only filtertop
Cage enrichment cellulose 15.4 cm by 25.5 cm
Square nesting material cellulose 5.5 x 5.5 cm 24 pieces per sheet 25 sheets per pack.
Cardboard Houses 13 cm length and 6 cm height
Tecniplast Red House 5.5 cm height 14 cm at longest side
height 7 cm, 15.5 cm at longest side
16,5 cm wide (ID) x 11,5 cm high x 20,3 cm long – Red Some used but as good as new and some are still new wit...
Suitable for rabbits < 5 kg
Rack on wheels with 5 Guinea Pig cages. Rack size: 62 x 75 x 194 cm Frame size with wheels: 69 x 75 cm Size of...
Tecniplast Blueline rack Type 1284 56 cages single sided
Tecniplast IsoCage rack with 36 cages
New Techniplast square bottle H-Temp in original packaging
Prefilters Scanlime Packages with 5 pieces
Techniplast Filtertop Type II replace filter before use
Techniplast 260 ml New square drinking bottles in original packaging. 2 boxes of 12 pieces
Galvanised rack with 5 shelves, 4 pieces 40 deep 170 long and 200 high
Suitable for rabbits > 5 kg
with flowmeter for 2 gasses with vaporizer recommended revision before use